Turner: Light and Impression

Artlytics Org
2 min readAug 18, 2020


约瑟夫·马洛德·威廉·特纳(Joseph Mallord William Turner)(1775–1851)是英国著名的浪漫主义风景画家。他细致入微地观察自然,巧妙地运用光线、色彩,最终形成自己独特的风格,很大程度上影响了后来的印象派。在英国,他被认为是“真正使英国风景画摆脱意大利、荷兰绘画影响,而走上自己独立道路的两个人之一”。在绘画历史上,他的作品将风景画推向了高潮,使得风景画能够与宗教画、肖像画等画作类别具有同等的地位。

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775–1851) was a famous British romantic landscape painter. He observed nature meticulously and skillfully used light and color to form his own unique style, which greatly influenced later impressionism. In the United Kingdom, he is regarded as “one of the two people who really freed British landscape painting from the influence of Italian and Dutch paintings and embarked on their own path of independence”. His works have pushed landscape painting to a climax in the history of art, enabling landscape painting to have the same status as religious paintings and portrait paintings.

The Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last Berth to be broken up, 1838, J.M.W.Turner, 1838, Oil on canvas, 91cm x 122cm, National Gallery, London


“The Fighting Temeraire” was a heroic warship that made significant contributions in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. In 1838, the battleship was decommissioned and disintegrated. This “he Fighting Temeraire, tugged to her last Berth to be broken up” depicts such a picture: a small steamship drags this massive warship to the last berth, waiting to disintegrate. The arrival of the steam age also means the end of the previous era. The picture is misty, the sun is setting west, and the calm picture contains a farewell to the past and a prospect for the future.

Rain, Steam and Speed — The Great Western Railway, J.M.W.Turner, 1844, Oil on canvas, 91cm x 121.8cm, National Gallery, London

这幅《雨,蒸汽和速度 — 西部大铁路》描绘了梅登黑德大桥上,一列火车正驶向东边的伦敦。画面中有着大块黄色色块,火车的黑色轮廓模糊不清,左侧铁轨之上似乎还有一支正在奔跑的兔子。多种元素的交融展现出了雨水、蒸汽、速度交混的感觉。

This “Rain, Steam, and Speed ​​ — Great Western Railway” depicts a train on the Maidenhead Bridge heading east to London. There are large yellow patches in the picture, the black outline of the train is blurred, and there seems to be a running rabbit on the left rail. The blending of multiple elements shows the feeling of rain, steam, and speed.

— @Artlytic Org



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