Theodore Géricault: Standing on the Giants’ Shoulder

Artlytics Org
2 min readJul 31, 2020


西奥多·杰利柯(Théodore Géricault)(1791–1824)浪漫主义画派的先驱。他与德拉克洛瓦一同师从雅克-路易·大卫,19岁时到卢浮宫仔细临摹并研究提香、伦勃朗、委拉斯开兹等大师的画作,最终发展出了属于自己的艺术风格。

Theodore Géricault (1791–1824) Pioneer of the Romantic School. Together with Delacroix, he studied under Jacques-Louis David. When he was 19 he went to the Louvre to carefully copy and study Titian, Rembrandt, Velázquez, and other masters’ paintings, eventually developed their own artistic style.

The Raft of the Medusa, Théodore Géricault, 1818–19, Oil on canvas, 490cm x 716cm, Louvre, Paris


This work depicts the scene of survivors riding a raft in despair after the sinking of the French naval frigate Medusa in 1816. About 147 people survived when the shipwreck occurred, and they fled on a homemade raft. However, during the rafting period, due to the harsh environment and lack of food and water, only 15 survivors were rescued after 13 days. The dereliction of the Captain of the Medusa was the main cause of the shipwreck. This incident once became an international scandal and caused an uproar.


Géricault chose the “double triangle” structure in the screen structure. The blue triangle on the left is topped by sails and masts, and a few dead bodies and dying people sitting on a raft are the bottoms. The desperate survivor stretches out his hand to a black man standing on a wooden barrel calling for help, which is the red triangle on the right. The top. Under this structure, the audience’s attention is focused on the black person, and the mood of the picture is at its peak at this moment.


Also, Géricault is very bold in his choice of color. He uses dark gray as the main color, depicting pale corpses, dark and thin living people, dark sky, and greenish water.


After Géricault’s teacher Jacques-Louis David’s painted “La Mort de Marat”, Géricault was inspired to choose the shipwreck as the creative theme, conform to the international trend, condemned the captain and appointed the captain Louis XVIII also aimed to attract public attention and develop his own business. Géricault conducted a lot of investigations on the shipwreck, interviewing survivors, making raft models, and going to the morgue to copy the corpse, finally presenting this lifelike, desperate and infectious painting.


This “The Raft of the Medusa” also provided inspiration for Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People” and became a pioneering work in the romantic genre.

Artlytics Org

