Caravaggio: Baroque Dark Knight
米开朗基罗·梅里西·达·卡拉瓦乔(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)(1571–1610),意大利著名画家,也是一个传奇人物。1600年,他忽然出现在罗马艺术圈,但三天打鱼两天晒网,尽管如此却也不缺少佣金和资助。1606年,卡拉瓦乔与人争斗时杀死了一个年轻人,受到了年轻人的家人的追杀,于是他逃离罗马去到了马耳他。但在马耳他,卡拉瓦乔又卷入了另一场争斗,于是在1609年,他逃到了那不勒斯。在那不勒斯,他又遭到来历不明的追杀。最终1610年,卡拉瓦乔离开了人世。
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio) (1571–1610), a famous Italian painter, is also a legend. In 1600, he suddenly appeared in the Roman art circle. Despite his low productivity of work, there was no shortage of commissions and subsidies. In 1606, Caravaggio killed a young man while fighting with others, and was chased by the young man’s family, so he fled Rome to Malta. But in Malta, Caravaggio was involved in another battle, so in 1609, he fled to Naples. In Naples, he has hunted down again from unknown sources. In 1610, Caravaggio passed away.
This legendary person spent the last ten years of his life as a painter, but during these ten years, he pioneered Tenebrism. Dark tonalism refers to a painting technique that uses powerful contrasts between light and dark to create a spotlight and add a dramatic effect to the picture. In fact, as early as Caravaggio, artists such as Dürer, Greco, and others began to use light and dark contrast painting techniques. Still, Caravaggio’s use of contrast is more intense, Or even radical, creating a dramatic effect that no one has ever achieved before, so Caravaggio is known as the pioneer of dark tone.
“Judith Beheading Holofernes” tells a story in the Old Testament of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. An Assyrian army commanded by Heronovis captured the city where Judith was located. Judith is beautiful and alert, and she uses beauty to deceive the trust of Herofinis. So, after Dr. Herofinis was drunk, she took her most trusted servant into the barracks tent and cut off Herofnis’ head. The Assyrian army without commander was defeated, and Judith saved the people of Israel.
This painting shows the typical Caravaggio style: dark tones: Caravaggio depicts the moment when Judith cut off the head of Herofinis. This scene is the most bloody and therefore has visual impact. He used black and crimson as the background, creating a trace of mystery and tension. The dark background is in sharp contrast with the foreground figures, especially Judith’s white top, as if a light beam is shining on the characters. This technique turns a painting into a stage play, and the picture is intense and dynamic.
This “The Calling of Saint Matthew” is about the moment when Jesus Christ called Matthew. The Gospels warn people: “People who recognize their lowly behavior are far superior to hypocrisy.” Matthew is a tax collector who is hated by the people for collecting taxes from the government. He is honest and easy-going, and he realizes that he is “a humble person”, so Jesus chose Matthew as his disciple.
On the left side of the screen, five tax collectors sitting around the table seem to be counting the day’s income. The young man wearing a feather hat looked at Jesus and the apostle Peter, and seemed to be asking with his eyes. Matthew sitting next to the young man looked surprised, pointing at himself, and seemed to be asking, “Is it me?”, Next to Matthew, The two tax collectors were still counting money, and the young man with his back to the picture looked at Jesus blankly. On the right side of the screen, the apostle Peter turned to point to Matthew, as if to introduce Jesus, and Jesus pointed to Matthew as if to say, “It’s you, come here.” A beam of light entered the picture from the left, passed through the top of Jesus’ head, and hit Matthew’s face. The use of this light creates a contrast between great tones and dark tones. Coupled with the expression and movement of characters, the picture has a strong story and drama.