Bosch: A Surreal Spectrum of the Garden
耶罗尼米斯·博斯(Hieronymus Bosch)是早期弗拉芒画派的画家,正如我们在介绍安托内罗的文章中所提到的那样,弗拉芒画派的特点是画家们在画作中会使用虚构遐想的手法,增加幽默、讽刺的元素。大师博斯将弗拉芒画派的这一特点发挥至极致,因而他也被称为“超现实主义的启蒙者”。
Hieronymus Bosch was a painter of the early Flemish school. As we introduced Antonello last week, the Flemish school typifies painting with fictional imagination, humor, and satire. Bosch brought this characteristic of the Flemish School to the best practice, and therefore he was called the “surrealist enlightener”.
博斯的画作充满着博斯特有的悲观气质,包含天马行空的想象和怪诞不经的设计,但历史上却没有太多关于博斯的生平记载,因而对于他画作的解读多种多样,难以达成统一。此外,他没有在画作上留名的习惯,可他的独树一帜的绘画风格却为他带来了大量模仿者。据说收藏家John G. Johnson收藏的九张博斯画作中,只有一张是出自博斯之手。种种因素,让博斯和他的画作成为了神秘的代名词。
Bosch’s paintings are full of his pessimistic temperament, from imaginary elements to the grotesque and bizarre design. There are few records about Bosch and his personal life, and so the interpretation of his paintings can be vastly diverse and essentially difficult to achieve a scholarly consensus. In addition, he never named his paintings, but his unique style of painting brought him a lot of imitators. It is said that among the nine Bosch paintings collected by collector John G. Johnson, only one is from Bosch. Various factors have made Bos and his paintings mysterious.
“The Garden of Earthly Delights” is Bosch ’s most well-known triptych. If we combine the left and right of the screen, we can see the exterior shown in the figure below.
Scholars usually think that the outer panel depicts the “creation of the world.” The color of the panel is single, and the shape of the mountains, the faded tide, and the new trees can be easily recognized. In the upper left corner is the elderly God, with the Bible on his knees and Latin writing next to it: because of what he said, it became so; he ordered everything. It can be speculated that this is the third day of creation in the Bible.
内部面板左侧描绘的是“伊甸园”。画中较为年轻的上帝正在将夏娃介绍给亚当。夏娃身后的兔子象征着“多产”,对面的一棵龙树代表着永恒。在背景中,我们还可以找到长颈鹿,大象,狮子,鱼,鸟,猫,蜥蜴等等生物,这些生物在博斯的年代并不常见,因而有学者认为这是博斯从一些旅行日记(如Cyriac of Ancona’s travelogues)中学习到的。
The “Eden” is depicted on the left side of the interior panel. The younger God in the painting is introducing Eve to Adam. The rabbit behind Eve symbolizes “prolific”, and a dragon tree opposite stands for eternity. In the background, we can also find giraffes, elephants, lions, fish, birds, cats, lizards and other creatures. These creatures are not common in the age of Bosch, so some scholars think that this is Bosch ’s travel diary learned in Cyriac of Ancona’s travelogues).
The middle part of the inner panel depicts a “The Garden of Earthly Delights”. From the horizon, the left couplet is connected to the central horizon, so it can be inferred that the people in the couplet are descendants of Adam and Eve. Taking into account the time continuity of the League of Nations and the Right League, the “The Garden of Earthly Delights” depicts the scene after the Great Flood. According to the Bible, the Great Flood started because of the descend of man, but after the flood, humanity still repeats the same mistakes. Forgetting God completely, even forgetting God’s expectation for them to “give birth” (there are no children in the picture). But it is worth noting that Bosch did not use condemnation to describe this scene. Generally speaking, Bosch condemns sin with aging and decay, but the humans here are naive and ignorant. They do not feel that they are doing something wrong with indulgence and pleasure. The fruits here are ripe and attractive, with bright colors. So what happens afterward? Bosch seems to be suggesting that “the fruit’s sensory temptation and its corruption have nothing in common with the frivolity of human nature.”
The right side of the inner panel depicts “Hell”. The picture is full of fire, torture, and anxiety. It is said that there was a fire in the town where Boss lived, so the fire became a typical symbol of “Bosch’s hell”. Here, we see animals such as mice, rabbits, birds, and dogs wearing human clothes, which seem to be punishing fallen human beings instead of God.
In Bosch’s work, it is difficult to find a protagonist. He is used to depicting a grand scene, constructing a complete universe, and then presenting the sufferings, temptations, and choices made by this “invisible protagonist” one by one. As long as we have the heart, we can even find traces of the times (including food, music, weather, technology, transportation, etc.) from his works, and read his emotions (through various metaphors and symbols). The painter merged all the details together, and then created this grotesque but exquisite world with antecedents and consequences, blending reality and imagination.